Archives for james

XT-CF Card for Tandy 1400 Series Laptops


Tandy helpfully included an expansion slot in their 1400 series of laptops, and in places there is reference to an expansion box, but it seems it never made it to market.  The later 1400FD and 1400HD models retained the expansion slot and added a second (slightly different) slot for an MFM HDD controller, as implemented in the 1400HD.

The expansion slot is basically an 8-bit ISA slot, but with a different pinout and a few differences, in a custom card form factor to fit in the machine.  Power budget is also limited to 200mA, according to the service manual.  Fortunately, Tandy documentation provides everything needed to create a card – so here is what I believe to be the first ever expansion card for Tandy 1400 Series laptops (only about 20 years late):


Expansion Card Design

Based on the information available in the Tandy technical reference, I’ve created a wiki page detailing everything about the expansion slots.  Some of the Tandy documentation is contradictory, but my wiki is based on what is now a proven design.  I’ve also included an Eagle layout for the PCB (restricted to a 100 x 100mm footprint, to enable low-cost manufacture by SeeedStudio).


My XT-CF cards provide hard disk functionality to PC/XT and PC/AT class machines based on CompactFlash (or microdrives), and for the Tandy 1400 the design needs just four ICs – a flash ROM, two 74688 address decoders and a 74139 decoder.  Being XT-CF compatible, the design is fully supported by the XTIDE Universal BIOS (from build r554).

BIOS Initialisation

I built this board a while back, and although BIOS flashing went OK the machine didn’t want to initialise the XTIDE Universal BIOS.  The BIOS was clearly detecting the option ROM as the floppy seek test was performed on only the first floppy with it present (the BIOS assuming that an HDD would be installed in place of the second floppy, exactly as the 1400HD was shipped), but the BIOS initialisation messages never appeared.

This has had me stumped and the board simply sat on the side since.  But recently XTIDE Universal BIOS project lead Tomi posted a code update (in r552):

XTIDE Universal BIOS can now be initialized if non-standard main BIOS does not call INT 19h or if INT 19h handler is replaced by some other BIOS.

And sure enough, the BIOS fired into life and the machine booted (and yes, the SuperTwist LCD screen really does look this bad):


The solution isn’t quite perfect – the fixed disk is inaccessible when restarted via CTRL-ALT-DELETE, but since boot time on this machine is identical for both soft boot and cold boot, this is just something that we need to live with for now.

1400LT, 1400FD and 1400HD

For 1400FD systems at least with BIOS 1.04, the system BIOS assumes the second floppy isn’t installed when the XT-CF option ROM is present (this may also affect 1400LT systems).  For now this is a limitation, but with 32KB of flash ROM available it should be possible to resolve it by adding a floppy BIOS to the card.

For 1400HD machines, the MFM controller must be removed since both cards have their BIOS at C800h (upper memory space is somewhat limited in the 1400 series as Tandy included RAM in the upper memory area for use as a RAM disk).


Using the ‘XTplus’ XTIDE Universal BIOS build (thanks to the V20 CPU), DOS throughput (as measured with my own test utility) is at least 550KB/s.  Due to the 8-bit data bus and V20 microcode optimisations, there is no performance difference between standard 8-bit PIO and BIU offload modes (as set with XTCFMODE), although both modes are supported.


ENIG PCBs (gold plated) are available now through the shop page.

Components will also be needed from your local electronics outlet such as Farnell, Mouser or Digikey – full Bill of Materials in the wiki.  There is no bracket needed, since the card slides into the expansion slot guides within the system chassis, and the fit into the slot is tight enough not to need and further support.

8237 DMA Transfers Across Page Boundaries


The 8237 DMA controller in the original PC/XT (and its clones) is fundamentally an 8-bit device with a 16-bit address space – perfectly matched to the MCS 85 family of which it was a part.  So to make it work with the 20-bit address space of the 8086 and 8088, IBM added a 4-bit ‘page register’ for each of its four DMA channels using a 74LS670 (a quad 4-bit register file).

The 8237 and the 74LS670 though are broadly independent; the page register does not automatically increment when the address register wraps around to zero.  This has two implications: normal segment:offset addresses must be converted to a linear, 20-bit physical address, and DMA transfers cannot cross a 64 KB page boundary.

Determining the Physical Buffer Address


Code in the XTIDE Universal BIOS illustrates how to convert a standard segment:offset address (presented in ES:SI) to a linear address, with just the 8088 instruction set:

     xor        dx, dx      ; clear DX
     mov        ax, es      ; copy ES to AX
 %rep 4 
     shl        ax, 1       ; shift left 1, MSB into carry...
     rcl        dx, 1       ; ...and from carry to DX LSB
 %endrep                    ; repeat for the 4 MSB bits
                            ; AX now has ES SHL 4, and DX has ES SHR 12 
     add        si, ax      ; add AX to SI, to get low 16-bits in SI
     adc        dl, dh      ; if it overflowed, increment DX (DH is zero)
     mov        es, dx      ; and save DX back in ES

DX needs to end up with ES SHR 12 because IBM hooked up the 74LS670 DMA page register to the low four-bits of the data bus, so programming the high 4-bits of the physical address is achieved from the low 4-bits of a CPU register.  The addresses are then loaded into the DMA controller address register (in two halves, since the DMA controller has only an 8-bit data bus) and the associated page register.  In this example, the port addresses are for channel 3:

     out        0Ch, al                ; Reset flip-flop to low byte 
     mov        ax, es                 ; Get high 4 bits
     out        82h, al                ; Page register for Ch.3 
     mov        ax, si                 ; Get low 16 bits
     out        06h, al                ; Send low byte to Ch.3 address register
     mov        al, ah                 ; 
     out        06h, al                ; Send high byte to Ch.3 address register

Crossing a 64KB Boundary

Since the page register isn’t incremented by the DMA controller, a DMA transfer can run up to a page boundary at which point it (and the associated page register) must be re-programmed for another transfer into the next physical page.  Splitting a transfer across a boundary therefore requires a check of the transfer size against the possible number of bytes up to a page boundary.

The code that follows assumes the maximum total transfer size is less than 64KB so allows for either one or two DMA transfers.

    ; On entry - buffer is in ES:DI, CX has bytes to transfer
    ; First calculate bytes up to physical page boundary
    mov        ax, di 
    neg        ax                 ; 2s compliment

    ; if DI was zero, carry flag will be cleared (and set otherwise)
    ; When DI is zero only one transfer is required if total DMA
    ; transfer size is restricted to < 64KB
    jnc    .TransferDmaPageWithSizeInCX

    ; CF was set, so DI != 0 and we might need one or two transfers
    cmp        cx, ax                    ; if won't cross physical page boundary... 
    jbe    .TransferDmaPageWithSizeInCX  ; ...perform transfer in one operation 

    ; Calculate how much we can transfer on first and second rounds 
    xchg        cx, ax            ; CX = BYTEs for first page 
    sub         ax, cx            ; AX = BYTEs for second page 
    push        ax                ; Save bytes for second transfer on stack 

    ; Transfer first DMA page 
    call    StartDMAtransfer 
    pop         cx                ; Pop size for second DMA page 

    ; Fall to StartDMAtransfer 

    ; DMA controller programming and transfer is completed here
    ; This code will be hardware dependent
    ; ...

    ; Once transfer is done, update physical address in ES:DI
    ; since IO might need several calls through this function
    ; (if crossing a physical page boundary)
    mov        ax, es             ; copy physical page address to ax 
    add        di, cx             ; add requested bytes to di 
    adc        al, 0              ; increment physical page address, if required 
    mov        es, ax             ; and save it back in es 



The DMA controller in the original IBM PC really has a few reasons for being – RAM refresh of course, background transfers (as used by SoundBlaster sampled audio for example), and high-performance transfers.  The 8237 DMA controller is usually noted for its lack of performance, but that perception came about because CPU speed soon eclipsed it.

Operating in a 4.77MHz 8088, the DMA controller is the only way to transfer data to or from a peripheral in consecutive, back-to-back full-speed bus cycles (in later PCs, the DMA controller is throttled to about 5MHz to ensure peripheral compatibility).  Of course it’s made more difficult by the boundary crossing issues and requirement to pause for RAM refresh, but the controller can provide the fastest possible transfers as demonstrated by my XT-CFv3 DMA Transfer Mode.

Lo-tech ISA CompactFlash Board

Another PCB 🙂

Lo-tech ISA CompactFlash Adapter

I was contacted recently by the owner of a Sinclair PC200 (an XT class machine in an Atari ST style case) about my XT-CF boards, wondering if a custom board could be built for the machine, with its physical 50mm height restriction on its two ISA slots.  The quick answer to that is no, since the CompactFlash header is too big in either orientation, but I’d already been pondering on the idea of a super-simple PCB providing a 40-pin IDE header, based on the lo-tech 8-bit ROM board, so this seemed like a good opportunity to finish the design.

Lo-tech ISA CompactFlash Board: What is it?

A through-hole, small form factor 8-bit ISA adapter providing a 40-pin IDE header suitable for connection to a separate IDE to CompactFlash adapter (available cheaply on eBay).  By using a 40-pin header instead of a CompactFlash socket, home assembly of the device is made simple as all required components are 2.54mm pitch through-hole.

Other than the small form factor (and without any provision for a slot bracket), the PCB is a standard ISA card and can be used in any PC with an ISA slot.

New IDE Logic Implementation

Making an XT/IDE derivative in such a small PCB meant minimising the component count:

  • Whilst the XT-CF-lite was based closely on the original XT/IDE adapter, borrowing directly its OR and inverter gate design to provide IDE register access and IDE reset, with this new board this has been condensed into a single 74LS139.
  • Because of the 40-pin potentially cabled connection to the CompactFlash adapter, a buffer (74HCT245) is required, but with only 8-bit transfer mode supported (hence the CompactFlash designation), a 16-to-8-bit MUX isn’t required

Any CompactFlash or microdrive device should work with this adapter, and probably ATA-2 compliant hard drives (since 8-bit transfer mode is a requirement of ATA-2).

Extended Functionality

I wanted to include as much functionality as possible, so implementing the logic for IBM PC/XT Slot-8 compatibility (developed with the CPLD based XT-CF adapters) was a goal.  Although out of space on the ISA component side, the layout could accommodate a few SMT components on the ISA solder side: these are entirely optional, but when populated provide LED drive and Slot-8 functions.

The logic required to provide slot-8 functionality is straight-forward – it’s just an echo of MEMR or IOR when either the ROM or IDE ports (respectively) are selected, with an open-collector drive since other logic on the system board can also drive this signal (as I’ve written about before).  In this new board, this is implemented with a single 74LS33D quad NOR gate, the one spare gate being used to provide LED drive too:

Lo-tech ISA CompactFlash Adapter SMT Logic

LED drive requires the SMT 74LS33D populated since CompactFlash devices provide only minimal activity LED drive current, which is likely already absorbed by LEDs on the required CompactFlash to IDE adapter.

The boards are fully supported by the XTIDE Universal BIOS (from build R545), with standard 8-bit PIO transfer mode and the enhanced performance BIU Offload mode just as with the XT-CF-lite.  The DMA transfer mode of the XT-CFv3 is not however supported.


ENIG (gold plated) rev.2 PCBs are available via the shop page.

Components will also be needed from your local electronics outlet such as Farnell, Mouser or Digikey – full Bill of Materials in the wiki.

Understanding the IBM PC/XT 5160 Slot 8


When IBM released the PC/XT 5160, the 8 ISA slots were a welcome improvement from the 5 in the original IBM PC 5150; multi-function cards weren’t yet common and the system board itself provided no IO capabilities other than the speaker and keyboard, so everything needed an expansion card.

Whilst seven of the slots operated just like those in the 5150, the slot nearest the CPU was special – the IBM Technical Reference noting Slot J8 is slightly different from the others in that any card placed in it is expected to respond with a ‘card selected’ signal whenever the card is selected, the key being a previously unused signal line B8:

CARD SLCTD (I) Card Selected: This line is activated by cards in expansion slot J8. It signals the system board that the card has been selected and that appropriate drivers on the system board should be directed to either read from, or write to, expansion slot J8. Connectors J1 through J8 are tied together at this pin, but the system board does not use their signal. This line should be driven by an open collector device.

By observation, B8 needs to be asserted (low) only when reading from a device in slot 8, which then sets the direction of the buffer U15 to transfer data from the XD bus (housing slot J8, the system ROMs and the DMA controller) to the D bus (slots 1 to 7).

Open Collector Drive

For novices like me, the last part of IBM’s text is important: the open collector drive (see for a good description of this).  As other logic can drive B8, such as the ROM address decoder, a device driving ISA B8 can’t present a high-level drive when not asserted (the signal level is pulled up through RN1).  This can be achieved either directly using open-collector logic, or by using a separate buffer.

In my CPLD logic for the XT-CFv3, the logic looks like this:


In the Lo-tech CompactFlash Adapter, I’ve gone with a separate buffer by distilling the logic down to some NOR gates, to minimise component count (the NOR gate also providing LED drive):


There’s probably a better way, but both of those work anyhow 🙂

Zero Wait State

The CARD SLCTD use for B8 was pretty much limited to the IBM PC/XT 5160 – the later PC/AT re-purposed the line as a “zero wait state” line, which has particular advantage for 8-bit cards.

As IBM started pushing the processor clock rates up, ISA at the time being effectively a local bus, IBM chose to limit the effective bus speed for 8-bit cards by adding wait states to achieve a bus cycle time of about 750ns, roughly equivalent to the 4.77MHz speed of the original PC.  At the time, expansion cards could be quite an investment so keeping things compatible was key.

Through the ZWS (B8) line in the PC/AT, and using the same basic logic as used to generate CARD SLCTD, the wait states can be eliminated for reads, and the logic simply extended to also consider IOW to also eliminate the wait states on writes.  This can boost throughput by 30% on a 6MHz AT, and 50% on a later 12MHz AT class machine.

More Information

XT-CFv3 DMA Transfer Mode


The XT-CFv3 DMA transfer mode works in an unconventional way to deliver the highest possible throughput for the original IBM PC and PC/XT – here’s how.

The Intel 8237 DMA Controller

In the PC and PC/XT, the Intel 8237 DMA controller provides two functions – it keeps system memory alive by periodic refresh, and it enables transfers to and from IO devices with minimal CPU intervention (the floppy drive, many hard disk controllers, and SoundBlaster cards use DMA).  To achieve this, the DMA controller has four sets of DMA Request (DRQ) and DMA Acknowledge (DACK) lines and broadly, the process is:

  • DRQ is asserted by the requesting IO device (e.g. the floppy drive controller)
  • The DMA controller raises the HOLD line (connected to the 8088 CPU)
  • The 8088 CPU completes the current bus cycle, then asserts HLDA (Hold Acknowledge) so passing control to the DMA controller.  At this point, all output lines on the CPU are put in a high-Z state (effectively disconnected) and the CPU enters a waiting state
  • Now the DMA controller has control of the bus, it presents the memory address on the address bus and asserts AEN, which signals to IO devices not involved in the DMA transfer to disregard the bus cycle
  • The DMA controller next asserts DACK, preparing the IO device to present (or receive) data
  • Then the DMA controller asserts both IOR (IO read) and MEMW (memory write) concurrently, or IOW (IO write) and MEMR (memory read), so feeding data directly from the device to memory or vice-versa
  • The DMA controller transfer counter and memory address registers are then updated

What happens next depends on whether more data is available (so DRQ is still asserted), whether the transfer counter has reached zero, and finally the DMA controller operating mode.  In single byte transfer mode, the DMA controller will return control to the CPU by releasing HOLD after each byte, whilst in demand mode the process will continue until the IO device releases DRQ (block mode generally isn’t used because it can disrupt RAM refresh, as described below).

DMA vs Port IO

In demand mode DMA runs much faster than 8088/V20 transfers since with DMA, each byte is delivered to memory in just one bus cycle.  The 8088, on the other hand, has to read the byte from the IO device in one bus cycle then store it to memory in a second bus cycle, because both the IO device and memory use the same address bus.  On the 8088, the code to fetch a block of port mapped data is less than ideal:

mov cx, 512
 in al, dx
 loop .TransferLoop

The instruction fetch and jumps of course make this slow, although it can be improved by unrolling.  In the XTIDE Universal BIOS, this is the basis of the 8-bit port-mapped IO operating mode for the XT-CF series, achieving about 170KB/s at 4.77MHz.  The V20 though streamlines this by eliminating instruction fetch and jump overhead:

mov cx, 512
 rep insb

Freeing up the bus for just the data by the elimination of all the instructions pays significant dividends – this delivers about 390KB/s at 4.77MHz (and is available in the ‘XTplus’ XTIDE Universal BIOS build, for V20/286 powered XT class hardware).

Making DMA Scream

DMA on the PC and PC/XT brings with it some challenges:

  • Programming the DMA controller absorbs many cycles
  • Control must be returned to the CPU every 15 µs (72 cycles) for RAM refresh
  • To play sampled SoundBlaster audio at 22KHz, the DMA controller must be available to service the SoundBlaster DRQ once every 216 cycles

For my goal of ultimate throughput, packing bytes back-to-back on the data bus is the key – and with each byte taking 4 cycles, 18 bytes can be transferred before disrupting RAM refresh.  For the XT-CFv3, this is achieved with some counter logic to release DRQ after 16 bytes (since that makes the maths easy and provides a margin of safety):


In the XT-CFv3, the oDRQ output in the schematic is delivered to the ISA bus via a 3-state output buffer, because the card must be able to co-exist with any original hard disk controller and DMA channels (DRQ/DACK pairs) can’t be shared as there are no pull-ups on the DRQ lines, so the card must drive the line continually when DMA function is in use.

Generating DRQ

Because DRQ is released by the counter, the DRQ lines on the IDE interface can’t be used – and in any case, DMA isn’t even supported by the majority of CompactFlash cards.  The XT-CFv3 therefore provides another mechanism – to allow the software direct control over DRQ through an IO port write (the address decoding for which appears in the schematic above as ‘XTCF_DRQ_PORT’).  This approach makes the transfer code itself elegant, once the DMA controller has been programmed:

mov cx, 32
 out        dx, al                ; Raise XT-CFv3 DRQ & transfer 16 bytes
 loop    .TransferNextDmaBlock    ; loop also adds required wait-state

The results are heavily dependent on the media: the majority of CompactFlash cards support only single-sector transfers, and therefore the DMA controller must be programmed once for every 512 bytes transferred, which delivers about 420 KB/s – a vast improvement on 8-bit port IO.  But for devices supporting multi-sector transfers, performance rises to 530KB/s with an 8088 and a 560KB/s with a V20 (both at 4.77MHz).

More Information

Lo-tech XT-CFv3

Since working on the Dangerous Prototypes version of the XT/IDE project, I’ve been increasingly interested in ‘the storage problem’ for early 1980’s PCs – it’s both difficult to transfer files between machines and increasingly problematic storing data on them too, with still surviving hard drives now well into borrowed time.

My first attempt (the XT-CF board) was too limited to justify the assembly effort, and my second attempt (the XT-CFv2 board) pushed the 3.3V CPLD too far so suffering reliability issues.  Next I created the simpler XT-CF-lite, which Sergey has taken on and improved with his re-spin, using mostly through-hole components.

So the CPLD based project was apparently dead, until some 5V XC9536 CPLDs popped up again on Farnell (supply is sporadic but more are due): the XT-CFv3 board was born:


The goal was to make a board with the DMA function of the XT-CFv2, but as easy to make as the XT-CF-lite (only the CompactFlash header represents something of a soldering challenge).  So the XT-CFv3 specs:

  • 8-bit ISA card providing bootable fixed-disk storage for PC/XT and PC/AT class hardware
  • Up to 8GB usable by MS-DOS (DOS limit)
  • CompactFlash header positioned to allow CompactFlash media to be exchanged through a custom ISA card slot, without opening the PC
  • 32KB in-system re-programmable flash ROM, providing storage for the XTIDE Universal BIOS boot ROM with 24KB free
  • Provides several transfer modes optimised for 8088, V20 and 286 machines
  • Up to 530KB/s in a stock PC/XT, and up to 1.1.MB/s in a 12MHz 286
  • Low-cost manufacturing requirements

Programmable Logic: the Xilinx XC9536

At the heart of the XT-CFv3 is the Xilinx XC9536 CPLD.  To me, these are little pieces of silicon magic – simply hook up the components on the PCB to the nearest convenient CPLD pin, then define in software the circuit logic the CPLD should perform and upload it into the CPLD.  This is great for home-brew projects like this, since once the basic PCB layout is done and the board electrically sound, the design can be revised over-and-over by just reprogramming the CPLD.

The XT-CFv3 logic is a greatly simplified version of that from the XT-CFv2, which aside from electrical reliability issues, was working well enough – so I was confident the logic would work.  Even so, six revisions were needed to finally bring the thing to life.  But it’s running now with three modes of operation – more on which will follow soon 🙂

DMA Transfers

DMA is the big XT-CFv3 feature: it offers performance way beyond what any disk controller ‘back in the day’ could do, achieving up to 530KB/s on a stock PC/XT.  The CPLD implementation makes this possible since it can do the work of many discrete logic chips (and of course be reprogrammed in the development phase getting it running).  More on this, and the other operating modes, to follow soon.


The XT-CFv3 is just entering field testing so is some way off still.  The plan though is to offer bare PCBs and brackets for home assembly.

In the mean time, Sergey has done a great job with his version of the XT-CF-lite, making it mostly through-hole so a little easier to make.

XT-CFv2 Shelved – What Happened?


The lo-tech XT-CF, itself really just a port of the Dangerous Prototypes XTIDEv2 board, worked well but it had become clear that by adding a few extra connections, the board could be made more flexible, and faster too.  There were a few unexplained CompactFlash media compatibility issues, but basically the board worked OK.  So enter the v2, much the same as the first board but able to work in IBM PC 5160 slot-8 use and run with DMA transfers (for up to 500KB/s in an XT).

With some prototypes made, once the logic and BIOS was switched to 8-bit transfers – eliminating the latch timing issue that has plagued all the XT/IDE derivatives – things seemed to be progressing well, so well that everything was in place to start an initial ‘public beta’ of fully assembled boards.


When the idea of a 3.3V CPLD was first mused on at Dangerous Prototypes – because of the lack of availability of 5V parts – some queries were raised over quite how 5V tolerant the inputs would be in reality.  And it seems those fears weren’t without foundation, since steadily the prototype boards started to misbehave; they all seemed to follow the same pattern with DMA transfers going slow and then failing altogether, then memory-mapped IO failing next.  For whatever reason, basic port-mapped IO seemed to survive.

Stumped by this, I turned my attention to the XT-CF-lite board (now sold out, sorry!), keen to deliver ‘something’ after all this time.  And the board seems to work well – built on the 8-bit transfer mechanism and experiences with the XT-CFv2 in port-mapped mode, the board is entirely 5V 7400 series based, but critically there is no buffer on the data lines: the CompactFlash (or flash ROM) drive the data bus directly.  Which got me thinking.

Xilinx XC9536

Whilst the XT-CFv2 uses a tricky-to-solder 100-pin 72-macrocell CPLD, by eliminating all 16 CompactFlash data lines and the 8 ISA data lines, I wondered if the logic be moulded into an easier-to-handle VQ44 package CPLD?  I wanted to keep DMA and Slot-8 compatibility, but memory-mapped IO turned out to be something of distraction – it’s only faster because it enables 8088 CPUs to use REP MOVSB to make a transfer, but DMA is much faster on an 8088, and the V20 (and 286+) can use REP INSW anyway.  So losing memory-mapped transfers seems OK to me.

In a stroke of luck, I spotted forthcoming stock of Xilinx XC9536 CPLDs in VQ44 format at Farnell – absolutely ideal for this as the simplified logic easily fits in the 36 macrocells, and the 34 IO pins are just enough.


So round the prototype mill we go again, this project has turned out to be way harder and more time consuming than I was expecting 15-months back.  But it’s only a hobby and it is still progressing – I’m currently awaiting delivery of the first XT-CFv3 PCBs, although the CPLDs won’t be available until the end of February.  The logic is much simpler, the board will be easier to make like the Lite version.

In the mean time, I’m improving the flash utility to work with the cheaper and more readily available A29010 flash chips – so fingers crossed for 3rd-time lucky 🙂

Another PCB… the XT-CF-Lite

Beta testing of the XT-CFv2 has uncovered some compatibility and reliability issues that will take time to fix, so in the mean time – and conscious of the long development time already of these boards – I’ve turned my attention to making a simpler, more home-assembler friendly XT-CF derivative.

Surface-mount (SMT), especially the 0.5mm pitch components, seem to have put off home-assemblers, and then there’s the need to program the CPLD. Though SMT can’t be avoided because of the CompactFlash header, using SOIC chips but still in the same PCB footprint (and ISA slot bracket), things can be made a lot easier.

So the XT-CF-Lite – here it is!

What Is It?

Just like the XT-CFv2, it’s a self-contained ISA disk device, functionally like a hard-card, providing solid-state, bootable storage to any PC with an ISA slot – right back to the original IBM PC 5150.

What Gives?

This board provides the same basic functionality of the XT-CFv2 – a 32K (accessible) flash-based ROM (with 24KB available for any user purposes), XTIDE Universal BIOS support and the port-based IO transfer mode used by the XT-CFv2 by default. But there are some limitations, because the CPLD on the XT-CFv2 provides a wealth of logic space not present here, so the lite version misses out on BIOS port auto-detection, memory-mapped IO, DMA, slot-8 compatibility, and reduced-wait-state operation for PC/AT and above.

No Buffer?

Usually a buffer chip like the 74LS245 would be used between the ISA bus and the media, but I took a chance that one isn’t needed, because the CF card is directly connected (i.e. not cabled) and has 8mA output drive strength. And luckily, it seems to work!

That’s SMT – wasn’t is supposed to be easier to make?

We can’t get away from SMT and still use CompactFlash – through-hole sockets do exist on datasheets, but are near impossible to find. Compared to the XT-CFv2:

  • 0.5mm lead-pitch flash chip has been replaced with an easy through-hole DIP package, and the 100-pin CPLD has been eliminated altogether
  • 1206 package resistor networks have been replaced with a through-hole network
  • SMT 7400-series chips have 1.27mm lead-pitch and are pretty easy to solder

And of course there’s no CPLD programming to do once it’s assembled. The activity LED and driver IC (IC6) can be left-off if need be. The tiny 0603 package capacitors and resistors remain but are also quite easy. The hardest part is the CF header, but locating points on the header hold it in position whilst it’s soldered, and the trick is to use plenty of flux and flow solder over the pins generously, then use solder wick and more flux to clean up the job.

How Fast?

With the official XTIDE Universal BIOS, it will do about 150-180KB/s on a PC/XT. It’s possible to increase this about 20% by switching the BIOS to 16-bit IO cycles, but at the expense of system compatibility. 16-bit port IO is faster because it reduces the instruction count and off-loads some work to the bus interface unit (BIU), but in development of the XT-CFv2 it was found that some clones have errors in BIU logic resulting in byte-swapped data delivery.


PCBs and slot brackets are available now via the site Shop. Components can be found at Farnell, Digikey or Mouser. Full board details in the wiki.

Introducing… the Lo-tech XT-CFv2!

What is it?

The XT-CTv2 is an 8-bit ISA card that works like a hard-card – a self contained, bootable hard disk for any PC with an ISA slot, right back to the original IBM PC 5150.

It’s powered directly from the ISA slot and uses fast and cheap Compact Flash cards for storage, accessible through the custom-made ISA slot bracket, making file exchange between machines easy and without the need to open the machine.

Erm… Why?

As an answer to the sea of dying MFM and RLL hard disks, vcforum members developed the original XT/IDE project in 2008 – a home-assembly IDE interface built on through-hole 7400 series logic. It was (and still is) a roaring success amongst vintage computing hobbyists, and inspired me to create the XT-CF and hence the XT-CFv2.

My project goals were to build a board fast enough for Trixter’s incredible 8088-Corruption to play 30fps video on a PC/XT without re-buffering pauses, and to replace the by now themselves ageing IDE disks with smaller, cheaper and more portable compact flash (or microdrive) media.

Why Compact-Flash?

Basically, because it’s easy. Compact-flash cards can be made to behave like IDE hard drives so making possible the use of the well established XTIDE Universal BIOS, and they also support 8-bit transfers – ideal for this application. And besides, whilst compact-flash has been around for years, it’s still the media of choice for professional photography and embedded applications, so hopefully will last a while longer yet.

CF cards are also cheap; 8GB cards (as big as any version of DOS can handle) can be found for under a tenner and adapters are available for those that prefer SD cards.

How was it Developed?

As a development of the Dangerous Prototypes XT/IDE design, the board is based on a programmable logic (CPLD) chip, so the logic making it work is literally drawn out in software and then programmed into the CPLD chip – and this can be done over-and-over.

So with an electrically sound board, thanks to the work by Dangerous Prototypes, a novice like me is free to try and re-try ideas, and hopefully eventually come up a working design.

With countless hours researching, pondering, testing and tweaking – and the kind help of many vcforum members – slowly the logic and BIOS modifications have come together. XTIDE Universal BIOS project lead Tomi is very kindly adding code specific to this board under adapter type ‘Lo-tech XT-CF’.

How Fast?

The primary goal was speed.  There are several ways to transfer data in the PC, and this board offers three alternatives.  For best compatibility, it defaults to 8-bit port-mapped IO that, in a PC/XT, does about 150KB/s.

Once DOS is running, 16-bit memory-mapped IO can be enabled with a simple utility, providing 240-300KB/s – similar to the fastest 8-bit controllers in the 1980s. And for PC/AT systems, that can be improved further with reduced wait-states (to about 1MB/s, in a 12MHz 80286).

With port-mapped and memory-mapped modes, the XT-CFv2 can be used in the PC/XTs ‘slot 8’, a slot usually seen as wasted because not many cards work in it, and can also co-exist with MFM or RLL drives if required.

But the XT-CFv2’s stand-out feature is its DMA mode – although there’s nothing unusal about an 8-bit disk controller using DMA, this works differently. Instead of using IRQs and single byte transfer mode, with the XT-CFv2 the CPU actively controls the transfer by repeatedly instructing the XT-CFv2 to call the DMA controller to transfer 16 bytes at a time (as much as can be done before needing to pause to allow the DMA controller to refresh system RAM). The result is file system throughput way beyond what a 4.77MHz 8088 can achieve on its own; up to 530KB/s. As far I can tell, this makes it the fastest ever PC/XT disk controller – and by some margin 🙂


Many would-be home assemblers are unfortunately put off by the surface-mount components, but it is perfectly possible to assemble one at home with some basic tools. PCBs are available for anyone wanting the satisfaction of building their own, and the cost of components is minimal. The wiki includes assembly notes and a CPLD programming guide.

Separately, I’m organising a batch of about 20 assembled boards as a kind of public Beta over the next few weeks; watch this space!  After that, feedback depending hopefully things will move on to a run of about 100 boards.


XT-CFv2 Wiki page (product manual and technical reference guide)

XTIDE Universal BIOS (maintained by Tomi Tilli)


Apple AirPort… Boom!

There are numerous blogs on making AirTunes/AirPlay speakers using an old AirPort Express (AE) or the Linux port, Shairtunes, so here’s my spin on it. I’ve been pondering on this for a few years, and finally had the time to do something with it – this is hardly a vintage computing project, but who’s checking?

iPod accessories tend have at best 4″ speakers, and while they look smart, just aren’t going to sound good outside. What I wanted was a PA style, battery-powered AirTunes party speaker… and here it is!

As with most my projects, the first requirement is always cheap. Unfortunately the power supply weakness in the AE is well-known, so totally non-functional units go for silly money on eBay. But after a year of waiting, a saved-search finally produced one Buy-It-Now for £10 🙂

Making the dead AE sing is pretty easy, just solder on a new PSU board delivering 1A at 5V and 2A at 3.3V. The super-cheap board I used isn’t too effecient (switcher only on the 5V rail) so gets a bit warm, but some heatsinks recovered from an old GbE switch keep that under control.

Unfortunately opening an AE destroys the case, but a quick search in the workshop soon produced an old network appliance case that could be sunk into the speaker box and used to house the guts of the AE, master fuse and some other bits.

Next for the speaker box itself: a standard bass-reflex design with a 250mm bass driver and a compression driver handling mid and top. Originally I’d planned to use an Emminence PA driver, but a hifi driver is considerably cheaper and has a smoother response (at the expense of efficiency).

Some serious power comes from a Rockford Fosgate car amp mounted on the back. Probably 15 years old, I picked it up for £15. It literally produces NO noise, and 100W RMS at 0.2% THD. Smashing 🙂

Because I wanted it portable, it needs battery power and that is delivered by a 12V Tamiya type 4.8Ah NiMH battery. Lead-acid might seem a more obvious choice, but the NiMH type will take continual deep cycles much more readily and can be charged with a modified DeWalt drill battery fast-charger I use for all my other rechargables.

So here’s the back:

With the big metal amp, the speaker magnets and of course the AE completely encased in a metal box, the AE’s on-board WiFi just wasn’t going to work. As the AE’s antenna socket (for test in production) is non-standard, I settled for soldering on a laptop antenna directly and mounting the antenna behind one of the plastic handles:







Add a recessed top-plate for the master switch, power LED and another fuse, and finally the whole thing is wrapped in some speaker cloth from Maplins. Job done!

The Good & The Bad

Battery life depends heavily on how loud it’s played, but it seems to do a couple of hours at a comfortable level. A better PSU for the AE would extend battery life when used at low volume, and a bigger battery would obviously make it run longer anyway.

The amplifier is literally perfect and the bass driver has plenty of guts, but the cheap compression driver and crossover let it down sonically. They could though easily be improved with some money.

One surprise is that the AE won’t rome between APs; it will happily register with whichever is the closest when powered on, but it never moves until power-cycled. I guess Apple never tested that, since it’s supposed to be plugged in to a fixed mains socket.

In summary, in my (biased!) opinion, the ultimate AirPlay party speaker 🙂